Who We Are

We'd like for you to know a little about us.

Who We Are

We are a close-knit family of 8 who are native to rural Pennsylvania. We appreciate books, media, art, hiking, and visiting state parks. Justin is a local pastor who loves to study God's word and communicate its teachings in practical, understandable terms. Penni is a homemaker who homeschools our 6 children and is passionate about natural healing. We have two sons and four daughters. We all contribute to our family-owned media company in our own unique ways.

Our Purpose

We started an online media company with the goal of producing content that would help people know the Bible better. Through self-published books, videos, art, and other media, we hope to produce content that will accomplish our goal. Our dream is to help people better understand the importance of scripture while also providing careers and opportunities for our children to better prepare them for the future.

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